Sign-up for Field Days Information


March 2015 Field Days for USS ORLECK NAVAL MUSEUM are complete and now the planning begins for another.  There will be many accounts of the event and pictures on the various destroyer Facebook pages and the Destroyer USS ORLECK Association page and website as well.  Here are the pictures received so far:

This is a sign-up for those interested in information on Field Days not only aboard the USS ORLECK but also aboard the USS KENNEDY.   The form will allow you to indicate the degree of assistance you can or cannot provide to the restoration of these two Gearing Class Destroyers.

The effort is totally volunteer and while many are members of the ship’s Museum organizations, the effort promoted here does not have any official ties to either of the two ships Museum organizations. This will be kind of grass roots organizing.  The sign-up gives you the opportunity to convey the work you can and would be willing to do but does not commit you to doing it.  The sign-up will result in you getting information on Field Days aboard USS ORLECK and USS Kennedy for both Field Days that are and will be scheduled but also when for instance a special work project is needed and we desire to put together a team to do it.   The nice thing about the messages you get is that with a click and an address of a friend you can send the message forward to others you think might be interested.  By this method we can help guarantee a ready supply of volunteers who can come and work not only on established Field Days but also at various times throughout the entire year.  This volunteer information is not just for sailors but for family, friends and others who would be interested in the preservation of these ships.

When filling out the form you may want to consider this.  If you live close to the USS ORLECK but your usual place of doing work is at the USS KENNEDY or visa versa, you might want to check your willingness to work on the ship closest to you and put in the comment field that you want a swap with someone to offset the work on the other ship. It may work to save money and time and provide more work because of the savings.

Give your feedback please at By the way the difference between this and a FB page sign-up will be that the people signing up will not have to be tracking it on a hit and miss basis on a page but will have an email sent right to their email address.

If you are uncertain whether you are already signed up, just sign up again and if you are it will update your record. As a precaution against spammers after you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email that you must confirm in order to be added to the list.

Thanks to all for working on USS KENNEDY DD 850 and USS ORLECK DD 886.

[yks-mailchimp-list id=”722730f8da” submit_text=”Register”]