To enlarge photos click on the thumbnail photo and then you can scroll through the photos with the arrows.
- Cadillac Mountain (photo by Homer Castille)
- View from Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- View from Cadillac Mountain (photo by Homer Castille)
- Homer on top of the world! At least on top of Cadillac Mountain.
- Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Thunder Hole Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Thunder Hole Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Thunder Hole Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Acadia National Park (photo by Homer Castille)
- Picnic lunch at Acadia National Park
- Sydney Joseph
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Seal Cove Auto Museum, Southwest Harbor, ME (photo by Homer Castille)
- Schooner sitting in Bay Bar Harbor Maine
- Cruise Boat in at Bar Harbor
- Egg Rock Lighthouse
- Bar Harbor, Maine
- A blessing, a field goal or a robbery. Capt Tom Harper at The Upper Deck Restaurant, Southwest Harbor, Maine
- Look at all those nice friendly expectant hungry faces at The Upper Deck Restaurant
- More expectant diners at The Upper Deck
- And even more hungry folks.
- But not at this table. The size of that lobster is enough to make you Blush. 🙂
- It was all worth waiting for for those folks. At The Upper Deck, Southwest Harbor, Maine
These fine photos were taken by our President Ben Loder. If you want to blame anyone for the captions, it is Bob Orleck. It is hard to maneuver so many pictures to have them in the order we did things or properly grouped together. We did the best we could so be aware they might not be in the best of order. Enjoy!
You can click on one photo and it will enlarge and then you can press the error at the right of the picture to go to the next photo and so forth.
- Base of operations
- Home-ported here
- Pat Terrell talking to Deborah Rossfeld, and Faye Hales while Norm reads more Scuttlebutts
- Richard Roy, Rick Butler, Bob and Mae LeClair in our hospitality room at Bluenose Inn
- Norm check out some of those great old 48 page color Scuttlebutts we did in the past.
- Wayne Shindler, Jan and Randy Bandor sharing some great shots they have gotten of Bar Harbor
- Great bunch of folks enjoying each other in hospitality room as Norm still reads the Scuttlebutts 🙂
- Madison loves reunions as you can see. Others need to bring their grandchildren.
- Hospitality room gathering at Bluenose Inn.
- Bob tells group about upcoming June 8-10, Portland-Boothbay Harbor Reunion.
- Watching and listening to Dave Thorton’s Field Day aboard USS ORLECK presentation
- He look, they are delivering some more pepperoni pizza
- Thanks Anthony Bluenose Inn who took care of our hospitality room needs
- Hospitality room gathering at Bluenose Inn.
- Hospitality room gathering at Bluenose Inn.
- Pizza from Pat’s Pizza served in hospitality room, Bluenose Inn
- Hospitality room gathering at Bluenose Inn.
- In March Orleck sailors and others went to Lake Charles to work on our ship.
- Dave Thornton tells a funny one that at least Charlie appreciates
- You know I see a 3 clawed lobster in my future (Mike Cooper)
- Glenn & Betsy David
- John and Sue Goldsworthy
- Rick and Patti Butler with Madison Jade Underwood (nice smiles all)
- Relaxing at the Bluenose Inn Great Room, Bar Harbor, Maine
- Nice setting, good conversation at Great Room, Bluenose Inn
- Richard Acord looking toward pool at Bluenose Inn, Bar Harbor
- Deb Acord Godfrey and father Richard Acord enjoying the piano music at Great Room, Bluenose Inn
- Dean Godfrey having a good laugh with Ken Pinner
- Sydney Joseph and Homer Castille
- Dave and Debra Thornton
- Let’s see what we’re doing next.
- Bluenose Inn Great Room, Bar Harbor, Maine
- Watching the folks enjoy the evening
- Jim Ash, Co-owner and Manager of Bluenose Inn, Bar Harbor greets folks
- Tom Palmer, Barbara Nieman and Venus Orleck enjoying the evening.
- Enjoying offerings at Bluenose Inn Great Room, Bar Harbor, Maine
- Mommy, when am I going to get a big lobster like you promised
- Enjoying offerings at Bluenose Inn Great Room, Bar Harbor, Maine
- Enjoying offerings at Bluenose Inn Great Room, Bar Harbor, Maine
- In line for something (food is a good guess) at Bluenose Inn
- Gathering at Great Room at Bluenose Inn, Bar Harbor
- Sydney and Homer carry on an electronic conversation 🙂
- Randy Bandor and Wayne Shindler at Bluenose Inn
- Faye and Bobby again
- Gathering at Great Room at Bluenose Inn, Bar Harbor
- Phil & Terry Rose and Aunt Barb at Bluenose Inn
- Just sitting around at Bluenose Inn
- Check those cool shirts Butler’s did.
- Talking stories at Bluenose Inn
- Bobby and Fay Hales at the Great Room, Bluenose Inn
- Bill Trowell, Pianist at Bluenose Inn
- I have this vision of this huge huge lobster we will have at The Upper Deck Restaurant on our last night of the reunion
- A greeting from Bryan Davies, our great friend and sole member of the New Zealand Division of USS ORLECK DD 886 Association
- Sun setting on another day
- Sun setting on Frenchman Bay
- Our tour guide on blue bus
- Leaving bus to get on carriage ride at Acadia National Park
- Getting off bus to have picnic lunch at Acadia National Park
- It was a bright sunny day at Wildwood Stables Acadia National Park
- Looking forward so to speak
- Draft horses ready for pulling carriages at Acadia National Park
- Carriage Ride at Acadia National Park
- Enjoying the carriage ride at Acadia National Park
- One their way to Rockefeller Carriage Ride Trials at Acadia National Park
- Percherons draft horses ready for carriage ride pull
- Beautiful day for a carriage ride. Acadia National Park
- Percherons ready to go on carriage Ride Acadia National Park
- David Norm and Pat getting in carriage for ride Acadia National Park
- Loaded up and ready to go.
- Carriage Ride view at Acadia National Park
- Carriage Ride view at Acadia National Park
- Cadillac Mountain view Acadia National Park
- Cadillac Mountain view Acadia National Park
- Cadillac Mountain view Acadia National Park
- Cadillac Mountain view Acadia National Park
- Checking out the view from the top of Cadillac Mountain
- Sandra and John at Cadillac Mountain
- Cadillac Mountain Acadia National Park with view of Frenchman Bay
- Cadillac Mountain Acadia National Park
- Cadillac Mountain Acadia National Park
- The Youngs at Cadillac Mountain
- Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Authentic Wig Wam Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Cadillac Mountain Acadia National Park
- Checking out the area at Acadia
- Thunder Hole at Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Acadia National Park
- Linda and Henry Pinner
- Acadia National Park
- Faye Hales, Linda and David Seaman
- Taking a break on the walk to the gardens
- Asticou Inn, Northeast Harbor
- At Asticou Inn
- At Asticou Garden
- Asticou Garden
- Asticou Garden
- 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4
- Asticou Garden narrow walkway
- Rick and Rich
- Entry of Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Beautiful Northeast Harbor
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Pre-dinner at Asticou Inn
- Terri and Phil Rose at Asticou Inn
- Jen and Jim our bus drivers with Northeast Harbor in background
- Kathy and David Ayer on left
- Dinner at Asticou Inn deck
- Peggy Schmitt and Linda Buckley relaxing at Asticou Inn
- Gathering on deck at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Jim, Jen, Bill and Deborah at The Upper Deck Restaurant
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn with Madison
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Dinner at Asticou Inn
- Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.
- Seal Cove Auto Museum
- Rainey Bench, Director of Auto Museum greets the folks
- Roland likes this one.
- 1928 Model A Huckster-Ford
- 1909 Corbin
- 1913 Peugeot
- 1905 Pierce Great Arrow
- 1913 Metz
- 1914 Stanley Steamer
- Norm check out the goodies
- Kathy Ayer in the Benz
- Linda Buckley getting a ride in the 1908 Rauch & Lang by Rainey Bench
- Barb about to embark on the Benz
- Bill Blush in the Benz
- 1908 Rauch & Lang
- Mae LeClair in the Benz
- 1928 Model A Huckster-Ford
- 1888 Benz replica
- 1922 Model T Depot Hack-Ford
- Just in case I get car sick.
- The Benz from the back
- Patti in the Benz
- Watch out!
- Hi
- Pop the clutch and see what it does.
- Elaine and Chase Staples
- Wayne Shindler and Phil and Terri Rose in a 1922 Model T Depot Hack-Ford
- John getting ride in the Benz
- That is a 1888 Benz Steam Engine Replica
- Madison and Patti going riding in a car. And the car goes zoom zoom.
- What a contrast. Cell phone and 1900 Vintage auto.
- I remember when they built that first Benz in Germany.
- Phil and Terri Rose enjoying conversation
- Gene, Avis, Debra and Dave enjoying good conversation
- Bar Harbor Nature boat tour
- One of many cruise ships at Bar Harbor
- More boring scenery (just kidding)
- Smile for the camera
- I see the eagle I think
- What a glorious day!
- Bill, Randy and Jan
- On the left side you will see…..
- The Nature Boat Cruise
- Fay Hales and JC Young enjoying the boat ride.
- That Jen and Jim, our great bus drivers
- Beautiful shot of Acadia coastline from Nature Boat Cruise
- Folks inside the boat
- Bar Harbor Whale Watch Nature Boat Cruise
- Roland and Pam
- Avis and Gene
- There’s that egg rock lighthouse again and looks like some eggs have hatched
- View from nature boat cruise
- Nature boat cruise view
- Egg Rock Lighthouse
- Bar Harbor Nature Boat Cruise
- From the Nature Boat Cruise
- You better watch out.
- Name that bird and its not Larry.
- That is a Cormorant not an eagle silly
- Nice shot Ben!
- There’s the eagle!
- What’s that?
- I think I see the bald eagle
- Acadia
- Acadia rock outcropping
- See that bald eagle now?
- Home of the Monstah Lobstah
- Beautiful Southwest Harbor
- The Upper Deck
- Getting served at The Upper Deck bar
- The hors-d’oeuvres line at The Upper Deck
- Somethings happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear!
- Southwest Harbor in background
- The Upper Deck buzzes with conversation
- Captain Tom at the helm of this table.
- Tom watches as Sydney and Homer talk to one another on devices and Bill wishes he was at the other table.
- The Texas contingent
- If John & Sandy has trouble with the bib wait until they get the lobster.
- Lots of good conversation going on.
- I have heard that some lobsters have 3 claws. No kidding!
- Mae wants 2 of those big lobsters.
- The Upper Deck
- The Upper Deck
- Guess which ones are eating lobster?
- Good Chowdah
- The Upper Deck anticipating a feast.
- I would be afraid of such a large creature too Linda!
- Where those big boys are cooked
- Bill Rossfeld telling lobster tales
- Tom disguises himself with the old finger mustache trick
- Its a little yellow flower
- Wish I was out there in the sunshine instead of just sitting here.
- The Upper Deck
- Bar Harbor sunset
- Frenchman Bay sunset
- Bluenose Inn

USS ORLECK sailor injured during USS BARRY Strip Trip.
Click here to learn how you can help him.
RECAP OF STRIP TRIP (pictures and list of items to follow)
February 13-16, 2015: Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC
USS ORLECK DD 886 crew came to Washington DC Navy Yard, stripped and left!
The Navy is scrapping the USS BARRY DD 933, a beautiful display Destroyer in Washington, DC. You can read about the details of the decision by going to While this is a big loss to historic ships it did provide an opportunity for USS ORLECK to gain some critical material to assist the USS ORLECK NAVAL MUSEUM, INC in their efforts to restore her in her late 1960 Vietnam era mode. The BARRY was commissioned in 1960 and has many parts that are the same as a Gearing and thus compatible with a true restoration of USS ORLECK.
One area that would provide much needed items was the Radio Room. USS ORLECK’s original equipment is basically totally missing so this provided a rich opportunity. There were other areas that would provide other treasures such as the mess deck, officer’s staterooms as well as CIC and others.
So with information from our good friend Rich Angelini of the USS KENNEDY DD 885 Bob Orleck moved to involve the USS ORLECK NAVAL MUSEUM and USS ORLECK sailors and other sailors in the effort there in Washington. Bob contacted the USS ORLECK NAVAL MUSEUM as to their desire to participate in a strip trip to that ship and received a positive reply. In the meantime Bob sent out a message recruiting people who would have to come at their own expense for the four days to work their butts off to help their ship, the USS ORLECK. How could they pass up such an offer? The responses came in quickly and in fact we thought we might be overstaffed. When all was said and done USS ORLECK had 7 volunteers who came and worked and some even came away with their butts. The work was hard, the weather hot, the ship poorly lighted, the security at the Navy Yard was tight, the traffic getting to the base was horrible and no food or water was allowed on the ship by a rule set down by the Navy.
These were the good parts about the trip. The items that these men were asked and did remove from the BARRY and loaded into the rented truck that the museum supplied, weighed hundreds and hundreds of pounds. The work was so difficult that by the third day the men were pretty well worn out, but they kept going.
It was at this point that things really went bad. Larry Fletcher, USS ORLECK sailor (1956-57) became a casualty in the war to save USS ORLECK DD 886 as a historic museum ship. Larry had volunteered and drove from Ft. Worth, Texas in his truck accompanied by Bill Stevens, USS KEPLER DD 765 sailor and friend, to join with other USS ORLECK sailors, Dennis Cantwell, Mark Gallagher, Iryll Jones from the DC area and Jim Mangel, USS Sailor from St. Louis, MO in addition to Lee Joyner from Lake Charles, LA. These guys put their hearts and bodies into this heavy and potentially dangerous work and acquired much valuable and needed parts, especially radios for Radio Central from the to be scrapped USS BARRY DD 933. In the process of removing a radio form the ship, Larry’s tripped and fell down 4 stairs and injured his hip. He could not walk. He was taken to the hospital by emergency ambulance and had to undergo emergency surgery resulting in a partial hip replacement. This happened on July 15 and the surgery was last night and today he is getting instructions from the physical therapist. He is doing well. Larry, 78 years of age, worked like a bull and did so much until he fell. His attitude before and after was and is tremendous. He has such a good attitude and a good sense of humor. By the morning of July 16 he had the surgery behind him, was out of recovery, in his room, eating good food and working with the physical therapist. He may be 78 years old but I was told by the others that he worked like a teen and never stopped till he fell.
So much of the pre-strip trip work had been done by Rich Angelini. Rich, Ted Hayes and Rich’s father Mike had come to the ORLECK to participate in the Field Days in March. Rich knows Gearings like no one else and he got to know USS ORLECK well. He knew the USS BARRY and what she had and he put that knowledge of both together to work to basically give us a wish list that the men worked off to gain the artifacts we needed. In addition he stay engaged and advised and added to our knowledge base as to what we needed. Rich is such a good friend to us personally and to the USS ORLECK. I want to encourage our people to do what we can to work with the KENNEDY and to attend their work days as well. I have been to the past two Field Days on the KENNEDY and they are worth going to just to learn how to properly go about restoring a Gearing Class Destroyer. To help the KENNEDY is to help the ORLECK and we are all richer for having this relationship.
Jim Mangels, BT some 50 years ago on ORLECK loaded up his truck with tools, dollies to help move items and a good knowledge of radios as well as information born from studying his mission in advance. He knew what he was going to do when there and he followed through in a most professional way. He met Iryll Jones, USS ORLECK sailor (1980-82) who also was a BT but that was 34 years ago. Now both these men, both BTs were working together on the same ship all these years later. Pretty cool! I will have more to say about Iryll later but for now I can’t say more than he was a “God send” to me and to the crew.
Dennis Cantwell lives within an hour of DC and when he learned of the trip he could not resist. Hampered by poor internet as I am here in Vermont, he made regular trips to the library to upload the information on the trip and all the specifics that he had to know. He was tapped to lead our guys and did a fine job. Don’t ask Dennis how hard the work was for it might take him an hour or two to give you the description of all the pain. But I know Dennis believes that a fine job was there and Dennis was a fine leader of the men.
Also from the area was Mark Gallagher. I had worked with Mark stripping ship in Philly many years ago when USS ORLECK was in Orange, Texas. Mark is a whiz with a sawzall and other power equipment and when I got him as a volunteer it had “successful trip” written all over it for me. Not only that but Mark opened his home to any of the strippers who wanted to stay there and they did. Larry, Bill and Jim stayed with Mark and they had a really wonderful time. Mark spoke of the great pleasure he had and the fun times they enjoyed over food telling stories and enjoying each other’s company. He remarked that this trip really showed him how important it is from the human point of view, the USS ORLECK sailor, that the Destroyer USS ORLECK Association is. That meant a lot to me for I know the quality of men that ORLECK had serving on her over her thirty seven years. They ate well from what they rubbed into me as I had cereal during our conference calls that were used to continue to plan and to recap what had been done that particular day. Mark could only work the first two days and had to travel to SanDiego on Wednesday but his house and tools remained available to our guys and his wife I am told really enjoyed the good company when Mark was gone.
Bill Stevens is a good friend of Larry in Ft. Worth and at first it was Larry who contacted me and the later Bill wanted to come with him. Bill represents the group of sailors who will mean so much if USS ORLECK is to survive into the years ahead. Bill served on the USS KEPLER DD 765. The KEPLER is gone but Bill honors her memory with the work he is doing for USS ORLECK. USS ORLECK is gaining the advantage of being one of the last two museum ships representing her kind. As the most decorated Vietnam destroyer she is the right ship to do that and the sailors from the many other Gearings who have departed can and I am sure will play a big part in the future of USS ORLECK and her restoration.
It was so good to see the USS ORLECK NAVAL MUSEUM joining with us and to send Lee Joyner to help in the stripping. Lee will make the long haul back to Louisiana to unload the treasure at the business of Ed Martin, Lake Charles Freightliner and GMC franchise owner and lover of USS ORLECK. Ed has been instrumental in all the major things involving USS ORLECK from getting her to Lake Charles to this day. He offered his building to store the parts that hopefully USS ORLECK and other ship sailors and other volunteers from Lake Charles and elsewhere will come in November to install during the November Field Days that is in the planning stages. Keep Lee in your thoughts and prayers as he drives that heavily ladened 16 foot box truck to Louisiana. Thanks to Ron who provided needed pictures and offered up a prayer or two for us along the way from Lake Charles.
Iryll Jones! Hard to say enough! The planning of this trip was hard. We had gotten into the game late but we had the experience and the manpower. What was lacking was the assurance that we could get the truck in the base. We advised the POC that we were renting a truck and while security wanted all the details on the truck, we could not provide license, color, make and model until we knew what the rent-a-truck company would provide us and they said they could not until picked up. I believed reason would prevail but last Wednesday at 1425 hrs (2:25 PM) I received a call from Washington and was told that I had to have that information by 1500 hrs (3 PM) or we would not be permitted to get the truck in the base. I asked if when we got information could we then. I was told definitely not. I had 35 minutes to get the information. I called Ron to call Budget and we scurried to no avail. 300 M Street. Iryll is a contractor with Dell Services for the government and I can truly say he seems to be involved in everything and knows everybody. He knew Lt. Adams who was in charge of the BARRY and a simple contact brought the reply that the Lieutenant understood that we could not provide the information until we picked the truck up and sure we could bring the truck in. Iryll did that! Then it got better. He became my resource for Washington Navy Yard and my eyes and ears and did so many things to help me put the planning together. Iryll was going to be at the gate to insure our guys would get through and was but he had to work and could not get back to help strip until after the gates were closed. But that changed. Iryll comes to work by 6:30 AM dressed in suit cloths but each time he came to the ship to interact with our guys a critical thing was happening and he pitched in and did a lot of the heavy lifting and dirty work. He is a machine, no doubt! He also was an inspiration to our men and when things got really rough he was there to lift the spirits and lend a strong arm to get the items out. He worked each day and even at the last grabbed a few porcelain sinks because he knew we would need them. If you ever meet him I am sure you will agree with me that he is a most exceptional individual but USS ORLECK had many of those over the years. He was another example of the fine crew that USS ORLECK seemed to always have.
So the trip is over. The men have left for home except for Larry who is still in the hospital and Bill and Jim who are sticking behind to support him. Mark has continued to hold his home open to our guys and this again shows the fine examples of good people that our destroyer navy had. Hopefully in a few days they will be able to get back home and the parts will have arrived safely in Lake Charles. If you get a chance to thank these men, please do it. They deserve it. I don’t believe there can be harder work than they did and they are not spring chickens.
Please consider assisting with a gift to help Larry defray some of the costs of travel for both he and Bill back in the truck. It cost them $300 each way in his truck and that is only part of what he now faces. Here is the link to the mechanism to get some help to him. Any amount is good. None is too small.
There will be a further report later listing all the items that were obtained from the BARRY. There will be many pictures that will be posted when received.
Bob Orleck
This is a very nice article about Bill Springer. Worth reading.