What we have here are photos and a couple of other items that were the part of an album that a gentleman by the name of Yurii Broughton found in a thrift shop in Florida. He was concerned that so much of this person’s life was here and yet it was not in the hands of the man or a relative who might want it. The album obviously from the contents belonged to Charles E. Mahle who was at some point in his life a USS ORLECK DD 886 sailor. Yurii contacted me and asked if I could find Mr. Mahle or a relative. He wanted to send the album to me in the hope that I could find someone who might be related and so he spent his own money to have it shipped to me. I spent a day scanning and getting those photos in this album. I tried to put these in right side up but there are a few who are not right but it will be more trouble than worth to change them. Also most of the pictures were not labeled so I used Charles E. Mahler name on each of them except for a few. I might go back and more clearly label those that had names on them but that will have to be a project for the future.
Charles E. Mahle is not on our member roster so I don’t have any specific information. Most of the pictures were from the time of his service in the Navy as best I can tell. There are also a number of personal type photos that I have not exhibited here but would be valuable to a family member.
Here is what I am requesting. Look at the photos. Some of you might find your face in a picture. Maybe you know the time he was aboard and maybe you served with him. If you know this person or if you know about the time aboard and maybe even have a lead to find Mr. Mahle or a relative, let me know it. You can post in the comment below the album or email news@ussorleck.com. Let’s find this man or a relative.
Click on the picture and it will enlarge then you can scroll through the pictures.
- with Klotz Charles E Mahle 1950 to 55089
- with Klotz Charles E Mahle 1950 to 55087