USS Orleck Association news

Oct 102015
Oct 082015

Photos taken by our Bill Blush.

You can click on one photo and it will enlarge and then you can press the arrow at the right of the picture to go to the next photo and so forth.  Some of these photos are not enlarging.  I will work on that and when fixed will remove this comment.


Oct 072015

These fine photos were taken by our President Ben Loder. If you want to blame anyone for the captions, it is Bob Orleck. It is hard to maneuver so many pictures to have them in the order we did things or properly grouped together. We did the best we could so be aware they might not be in the best of order. Enjoy!

You can click on one photo and it will enlarge and then you can press the error at the right of the picture to go to the next photo and so forth.

Jul 192015

These photos came from Iryll Jones, USS ORLECK sailor (1980-82).

He discussed them this way.”You sent out pictures of specific areas with equipment identified with arrows on them. I tried to match the areas with the pictures and red arrows, so you can see the progress and what we pulled. Image 03 has component about to be pulled, image 1, 2, and 3 show items removed which matches to your pictures sent out.” Note: He is speaking of pictures that Rich Angelini took. Not sure if they are up on the site yet.


Jul 192015

These are shots of some of the items loaded aboard the 16 foot truck used to transport the items to Lake Charles

Iryll Jones, USS ORLECK sailor (1980-82) shot these photos  (click on photo to enlarge)

Jul 192015

Dennis Cantwell kept records of items taken from USS BARRY. He did not have the 1149 for the following items:
1 equipment rack for the URC-9 radio gear ( which took about 5 hrs to get it from radio room to the pier).
2 porcelaen sinks.
1 stainless steel sink ( Iryll got this from the CO’s sea cabin)
1 mixing bowl
1 growler phone

He had copies of the 1149’s that listed the items taken: