To enlarge photos click on the thumbnail photo and then you can scroll through the photos with the arrows.
USS Orleck Reunions
Click on the thumbnail photos to enlarge hen scroll through the photos with the arrows on the side.
Photos taken by our Bill Blush.
You can click on one photo and it will enlarge and then you can press the arrow at the right of the picture to go to the next photo and so forth. Some of these photos are not enlarging. I will work on that and when fixed will remove this comment.
These fine photos were taken by our President Ben Loder. If you want to blame anyone for the captions, it is Bob Orleck. It is hard to maneuver so many pictures to have them in the order we did things or properly grouped together. We did the best we could so be aware they might not be in the best of order. Enjoy!
You can click on one photo and it will enlarge and then you can press the error at the right of the picture to go to the next photo and so forth.
The Bar Harbor mini-reunion will take place Sept 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2015. We currently have over 80 people registered to attend and we still have room for about 20 more but time is very short to register. If you are interested to attend you need to either call Bob Orleck at 802-728-9806 or email him at and express your interest.
If you wish to learn more about the reunion you can participate in a conference call about it conducted by Bob Orleck.
Conference call to be conducted tomorrow evening July 29 2015 at 7 PM Eastern Time on Bar Harbor mini-reunion.
How to access Conference Call: Just call the Dial-in Number at the appropriate time listed above: 1-605-475-5950 (there is no charge except your usual carrier charge for long distance calls.) and when prompted enter Participant Access Code: 1193051.
Details on the Reunion Events can be found if you click here.