Time has passed all too quickly since our last reunion in Northern Kentucky. It has been over one year since we said “goodbye” to each other and promised that we would get together once again in two years in San Diego. Some will not be able to keep that promise for reasons out of their contol. One thing that we do not want to happen is for someone not to come because the message about the upcoming reunion did not reach them or if it did, did not interest them. We are going to San Diego again and that in and of itself should drive people to get their reservations made at the hotel and get their registrations into the Association. Fill out the registration form and send it to DESTROYER USS ORLECK DD 886 ASSOCIATION, P.O. BOX 213, Randolph, VT 05060. Contact the hotel and make your reservations now.
It is best to register early because there will be some incentives to do so. Early registration helps us plan for the events and insures that the things we contracted for will be sufficient for the numbers who register. If for any reason you have to withdraw later, you can do so without penalty and you can cancel your hotel reservation up to 48 hours before the reunion begins. So what have you got to lose? Early registration will make you eligible for free nights stay at our Town and Country during the reunion. Early registrants will also get a reduced rate.
I have provided a way for you to share these posts, copy them or e-mail them to others. Below each post you will see those options. Just click on one and follow the instructions. By doing this, we can get the word out to lots of folks. Also please forward on the notice to be posted in newspapers, military magazines, website advertising reunions and anywhere else you can think of. You will be seeing many more posts on this upcoming reunion so come and visit daily. Leave comments on most posts, post on the guestbook or go to the forum and post. You can also post on our facebook page. Lets not leave any stone unturned looking for shipmates and getting the word to them about this San Diego reunion.