Here is a little introduction about posting on the guestbook as we transition from the old site to this new one. The posts that have been put on the old site guestbook will be saved somehow, however, they will be just for reference. This will be the new format for use by a guest. I would suggest that you not use this for regular types of communication. There are other ways. On some of the posts you will see the ability to comment. The forum is still there as before and it would be wonderful to use that more. emails are appropriate for private communications. There is also our facebook page. So you have many options. I see the guestbook being used more by someone who comes across our website and wants to leave a message on leaving. Soon the old website that we have been using for a number of years will no longer be accessible. This format is much better and allows more ease for administrators to post and for others to communicate with them and to their shipmates.
You already have my email and such. Spent the day going thru the 1967 deck logs; then I found the memoriam. MR HUCHTHAUSEN was shown as LTJG but he was the ENGINEERING OFFICER and a full LT when I was on board (66-67). RITENHOUR, my old buddy, named spelled REITENHOUR so not sure which is correct. Sorry to see the passing of both LT HUCHTHAUSEN and LTJG WHITBECK, two of our better officers. I had heard many years ago (don’t remember the source) that ENSIGN/LTJG REPPEN was killed in an auto accident around 1993. What a nice kid he was, our assistant ASW OFFICER. I suspect commanders ZINSLER (co) and CEASE (xo) are gone by now, also. Reading the names and recognizing so many brought back a lot of memories – my first ship, I came aboard after over a year at ASW SCHOOL as STG3 and left STG2 for a pre-commissioning crew. Glad to see ORLECK finding a good final resting spot in JACKSONVILLE. I will always remember my days on ORLECK and what a great ship it was – FOND FOND MEMORIES!!
I don’t know if we on board at the same time I think we were. Just wanted to say Hi hope everything is well with you and your love one take care Homer Castille GMM4, email
I served on the Orleck 72 to 74 in WD Division, then went to hospital corps school at Balboa Hospital, Field Medical School at Pendleton then to Kaneohe Marine base in HI for remaining 2 years. I remember a lot of you guys on the 72-72 Westpac cruise, becoming a shellback , catching a fish in Australia, hearing the lone ranger music during refueling, visiting some great ports, working my but off at yankee station and having a great tour with you fine gentlemen.
Hey! Mr.Bob Orleck, Thank You for all of the dedicated Hours, Weeks, and Months, and expenses out of pocket you have given, the ship and the Ship mates to ensure we have a great re union. You are the reason the Orleck is home again! in the USA, God Bless YOU.YOU ARE THE MAN .
The two and half months I worked on HER were just before the Orange Tx reunion. We had more PLANK HOLDERS THAN ANY OTHER REUNION!fRM !
From what I could see on the net the Ship finally has a Class Mooring!
We went aboard at SUBUC Bay with Lee, Mines, McKey, My big Bro. James R. Collins BMMC EOD Diver My Hero! I feel like the luckeyest shipmate . THAT Wave I married & I just celibrated 60 yrs married
Thanks for the nice words. I was in the right place at the right time to get to associate with wonderful men who served our nation aboard the greatest destroyer, USS ORLECK DD 886. The pleasure was mine.
Congratulations on 60 years. I am pretty lucky myself. We are going on 55 years and I would pay to reach 60.
Thankful for you. God bless you and may you have many more years.
I was a Radioman, served on active duty 4 years, and in the NavRes for 23 years. I did two Acdutras on the Orleck, the first in 1978, then again in 1980. I was RM2 for the first one, RM1 for the second. We sailed from San Diego to Tacoma both times and I immensely enjoyed both cruises, what a great bunch of guys. One day, one of the guys asked me, Why are you always so happy and laughing? I told him that it was like a vacation for me, and if he knew what I did for a living he would understand!
What did you do for a living if you don’t mind me asking?
I worked in the family fence business from the age of 12 through college, summers only, took a 4 year break for the Navy, then went back fulltime for another 12 years. It was hard labor most of the time. So, spending two weeks on a ship or occasional shore duty once a year was definitely a vacation.
Sure, I worked in the family fence business from about 12 years old through college, working summers and some weekends, then took four years out for the Navy. Then went back home and spent another 15 years building fence, lots of it and it was mostly hard labor. I joined the Reserves when I got off active duty and those two weeks a year on a ship or occasional shore duty were a real vacation!
Did you see my reply? I actually sent it twice.
Been kind of busy with planning the upcoming reunion of USS ORLECK sailors in Jacksonville where DD886 is a beautiful part of the historic fleet there. Gonna happen soon over the Veterans Day Weekend.
I could use some of your fencing. Can you bring me some over. lol
My father, Ralph Dickinson, served aboard the Orleck in the early ’50s. He passed away April 7th, 2021 from COPD. We recently visited the USS Alabama and we went down into the engine room where I believe he was assigned. The climb down into the depths of the ship made me appreciate the difficult job he had. Following your progress to move the ship to Jacksonville.
Melody Betts
Hartville, Ohio
Dear Melody: Thank you for the information on your Dad’s passing. Please accept our sympathies for they are heartfelt. The men of USS ORLECK were/are a special family. They managed to turn a hunk of steel into the best, most efficient and most decorated warship in the United State’s Navy since WWII. I have put his name on the Memorial Roster on-line and when we have a regular reunion, will read his name in honor of his service. You are welcome to attend any of these reunions and even read his name if you wish. Your words reflect a true understanding of the difficult but rewarding life of a destroyer sailor. Would be a wonderful thing to meet you aboard his ship in Jacksonville. Best. Bob Orleck
Thank you Mr. Orleck. My husband and I hope to visit the ship when it opens sometime this fall. I just can’t imagine being an 18 year old in the engine room. What courage you all had.
Melody Betts
It is with a heavy heart that the family of Fred B Leonard (’57 – ’60) would like to advise the Orleck alumni of Fred’s passing last week.
The Ships assignment in Hardtack I from late March through May of 1958 planted an unwanted seed within our father. In early 2019 Fred and our mother Lorraine were a bit more than 6 months in to their retirement move to West Palm Beach, FL when he was diagnosed with Myelofibrosis. The condition was a result of radiation exposure during Hardtack and Fred was subsequently designated as an Atomic Survivor by the U.S. Navy.
Our Dad will be sorely missed. He was just starting to enjoy FL and beginning to explore old and new interests. Thankfully, we were by his side at home during his final days with us.
Fred is survived by his wife of 62 years Lorraine, daughter Victoria Lorusso and sons Richard and Graham Leonard as well as five grandchildren.
Sorry for my late response to your post on the ‘Guestbook,’ I haven’t checked on the website for quite a while. First of all, my condolences on the loss of your father, Fred B. Leonard. Although I never knew him, we had one thing in common, we walked on the decks of the same ship, just different times.
One of the things that caught my attention was your remarks about the radiation exposure that your father experienced. If you haven’t done so already, I would invite you to go to the section on this website, ‘SCUTTLEBUTT – let’s talk about things,’ where you will find a post that I left in December of 2019, where I talked about this very subject. Also, if you haven’t taken a look at the ship’s Deck Logs (also on this website), I would encourage you to do so because the Logs are quite detailed as to what was going on between March and May of 1958.
You are probably already aware of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) that I brought up in my December posting, but if not, I would encourage you and your family to explore further.
John Barrios
USS ORLECK (1970-1973)
Bob: I just reviewed 2014 You Tube Recording. Excellent. Attending a Reunion is on my Bucket List.
I loved the way how you had speakers speak throughtout the years of service aboard Orleck. She influenced me in so many ways as a young man who became the Sailor of the Yeat 1979 at Bangor Sub Base., one of the first RPs (Religious Program Specialists) in the Navy (Plankowner) and senior RP at retirement in 1998 as the first RP Command Master Chief at sea aboard USS SACRAMENTO AOE1. I went from Orleck in 1976 as a brand new YN2 to the SAC. 15 years later went back to SAC as her Command Master Chief. I could go on and on. So you see how and why the Orleck is special to me.
As you recall I went aboard Orleck in 1974 as a FN waiting for an “IC – A” School seat. I gave my seat away to Jim Napier and became as Deck Seaman. As a farmer from Pennsylvania I needed to see daylight. The Ships Office had a porthole and because I helped distribute the POD the YN1 offered me a job. I went off to YN”A” school, became a YN3 via the instant pettty officer program doing well in my class. I went back to Orleck as a YN3 and also smade YN3 off the previous written exam. Crazy. But the good news is it put me ahead of my peers by three months in grade. Made YN2
and I had to split tour because of too many YNs onboard Orleck. The rest is history. 25 years later retired as Command Master Chief. WOW. Thank You Lord and thank you Orleck for my success. I do remember a few people on board who took this Sailor under their wings and help me soar. I do want to be part of a reunion someday. Thanks Bob for listening and your work
with the Associatin. I will be honored to meet you someday. Oz (YN2 1974-1976)
Shipmates: I just reviewed 2014 Reunion on You Tube. Excellent. I really liked how Sailors who served on Orleck over the years told sea stories (most of them true). True to them and the memories they will cherish for ever. I served aboard Orleck from 1974-1976 as a FN, SN, YN3 and left for the USS Sacramento (AOE-1) because I made YN2 and Orleck had too many Yeoman. YN1 (TAR) Calton
tried talking me in to going into the reserves but I stayed active and split toured my sea duty.
I gave my IC “A” School seat to Jim Lampiere on board. Being a farm boy from PA I needed more day
light and you can only repair so many sound powered phones and stand the Gyro Watch. So FN to SN
I went via YN “A” School became a YN3 from the Instant Petty Officer Program graduating with honors. Back to Orleck as YN3 Osburn. I took YN3 exam also but results came out after I was promoted in school. Crazy but helpful in giving me an earlier time in rank date. The rest is history.
I spent about a week aboard the USS Orleck in late 1979. I was a new ensign and my ship (USS Waddell (DDG-24)) was in overhaul at Bremerton. Our CO arranged for ENS Joe Estrada and myself to crossdeck to the Orleck for underway watch standing practice. It was a short underway period but exciting because we visited Port Alberni BC as part of their Trafalgar Day celebration. Really a lot of fun. I’ll always remember the Orleck as a fine ship with an excellent crew. As a student of history, I consider a distinct honor to have “served” aboard the Orleck, even though it was just a few days standing underway watch as a JOOD.
Thank so much for sharing this Basil. You are justified in your feelings about this wonderful US warship. She is the most decorated ship in the US Navy since World War II. Her history is laid out in this website at various points. Right now she is struggling for her life to continue as a Naval Museum, hopefully soon in Jacksonville, FL. Here is my email address if you wish to communicate more. Please feel free to use this posting here as you did but the audience right now is small. I can boost information you wish to get out there in other ways if you desire. Really enjoyed your post. Thank you so much.
Dear Orleck friends. I am an overseas Orleck-friend from Turkey. However, she is Yucetepe for me. I have served onboard ex-USS Orleck during it was TCG Yucetepe (D-345) with the Turkish Navy. I was the ASW Officer onboard between 1991 and 1994, from my Academy graduation and until shortly before she had been handed over to Orleck Association.
Orleck / Yucetepe had a real charm and whoever served onboard literally fell in love with her. She became the centre of our lives and left an undeniable mark in our souls. Many of us couldn’t resist our tears during the decommissioning ceremony. We had served proudly with her in the Adriatic, during the Serbian conflict, been on countless exercises and ad-hoc missions in the Mediterranean, Aegean and the Black Sea. One year before her decommissioning she was still able to reach 30knots.
I know many personal stories and small and big sacrifices are woven in her details, including mine. I feel lucky to know her in my life and I am happy that she is being taken care of by the association. I wish sometime someday I will be able to walk the gangway again and salute her one last time.
With all my best wishes and respect. Stay safe and proper.
Dear Sir:
Thank you so much for these words. They touched my heart and put a tear in my eye. I am the nephew of Lt. Joseph Orleck, the namesake for USS ORLECK DD886. Both myself and my wife Barbara were in Golcuk for the decommissioning in 1998. Captain ER was the last command and he spoke at the impressive and sad ceremony. While I could not understand everything he said, I do know that he lamented that “I’m just a little boy and they have taken away my toy.”
The reviewing stand was filled with many of the military and their wives as the last crew of TCG YUCETEPE D 345 ran from the ship, while some stayed aboard and painted out her name and numbers. When I asked why, I was told that after being taken from service, she would rust, and they did not want people to be able to identify her and cause her disgrace.
Many of the warriors there cried as the ceremony unfolded, especially when a tug came in and pulled her away from other ships lining the shore. When she was turned 90 degrees from them and her starboard side faced us, Captain ER, in the lead line of many of her former officers, removed his hat and waived a sorrowful goodbye to her as a large Navy band played what sounded to be a funeral dirge.
Talking about rust, there was no rust on TCG YUCETEPE D 345 when I was brought aboard on her last day of service. You could have eaten off her decks they were so clean. It was such a thrill to finally see her. When everyone made their way down to the Captain’s cabin, I stayed back and quietly went and put my hand on her side and at that moment felt a strange electricity almost as if she was saying, I waited to meet you. Again, tears came to my eyes. Later at a special dinner held on our behalf at which I got to speak to many of the officers and their ladies, at the end an Admiral, a very big man, came over, put his arms around me and whispered in my ear, “I saw you touch her.” That and so much more happened and I realized that the same spirit of love for this ship had stayed with the ship and the Turkish crew took over with such grace and tradition as was shown by her former crews in the United States.
The presiding officer at the ceremony was a 4 Star Admiral, Ilhami Erdil, who became the Commander and Chief of the Turkish Navy. If we correspond more, there is a story of how it came about that he granted the ship to be brought back to America to be a museum. Thank you for the information on some of her active duty maneuvers. Would really like to hear more details of that. I hope to hear more from you soon.
Thank you so much for making my day and my week. May God bless you.
Would like to know about Lt. Meader and Lt. CMD Sease they both served on the USS ORLECK during 1965 – 1966 ?
Looking for information, photos or stories of or about my father. He served on the USS ORLEK during the Vietnam War. He passed away about 8 years ago now. I am his 30 year old second child, Stefanie Howlett. I am enlisting and I find myself wishing i had asked him more about his life and service, but I cannot now. He served 19 years and was medically discharged sometime in the late 80’s.
DP-1 Thomas Alston Howlett III
BIRTH 23 Feb 1946
DEATH 3 Apr 2012 (aged 66)
Quantico National Cemetery
Quantico, Prince William County, Virginia, USA
PLOT Section 22 Site 303
He mentioned being forced dead in the water at one point to evade the enemy ships, and drifting toward an island.
He lost much of his hearing working in the engine room (the VA compensated him for it) but was rated as dp1 so i have some confusion. Mentioned some moonshine being made down there haha.
He had a business card sized certification of the ship hitting some top speed at one point.
Anyone remember him?? He got a USN anchor tattoo on his right arm’s deltoid while active duty. Smoked camel un-filtered cigarettes and loved un sweetened iced tea. He was from Little Rock, Arkansas.
. Thank you all for your service, God Bless. I wish we had taken him to see the ship before he passed. He loved that ship and whenever he told a story he looked so alive and happy!!! thanks to the men he served with for giving him brotherhood and fantastic memories to enjoy for the rest of his God given life.
Good Morning
I was stationed on Orleck sister ship USS Brinkley Bass DD-887 in 70-73. On a recent YouTube post there was a photo of pages from the USS Orleck booklet of general plans. Were these plans digitized and are they available? Plans for Bass do not seem to exist, but Orleck probably is pretty darn close.
Brad Davidson
DCA/R-Div/Eng Off 1970-73
USS Brinkley Bass DD887
I probably crossed paths with you somewhere in port. I was on the USS Orleck as a deck hand from Dec 1972 to April 1974 when I went to hospital corps school in San Diego and on to Kaneohe Marine Base for two more years. I’m really sorry I missed the very last reunion.
Hello Bob and company hoping all is well don’t think I can make it to the reunion this year but I will try also how do I update my roster info its way out of date , your former BT Larry Lavelle
Hi Larry:
Good to hear from you. Hope you are faring well. All is well here and I will be posting something shortly on the reunion situation. As for keeping your roster up-to-date, I see that you resubmitted information. Actually the best way is to use an link to get into your old file and correct it. These links are private and only to you. I will send you yours and let you update it yourself. If you have any problems, let me know. I will not approve the new one you did or we will have duplicate files. Hope that makes sense. Again, good to hear from you.
Bob Orleck
I received my IC3 rating while aboard the Orleck in 1970. I read the narrative and recall the experience of the ice on the decks while in the Sea of Japan, the gun line, visits to Hong Kong and Keelung. Sometime during that period I had a battery acid incident and was transferred to a British hospital in Singapore. After Singapore, I made it back to Yokosuka but the Orleck was already heading back to the states, so I was transferred to the USS Guerky for the remainder of my two years of active duty. I lost track of a good friend Earl Nakamura and many others that remained on the ship.
Hi Michael: Thank you for posting your message. I checked and we do not have Earl Nakamura on the roster. Over 4000 served on USS ORLECK but we only located 2200 of them. We are down to about 1700 now who are still alive that we know. If you have any other names let me know. Hope you are planning on coming to the New England Reunion of USS ORLECK next year in June. Go to the front page of the website for all the details or send me a note at Again, good to hear from you and about the time you were aboard. Bob Orleck
Hubert Wade Holbrooks past away Nov.3 2017
Thank you Jimmy. I am assuming Hubert Wade was your father. Is that correct. I have moved his name to the Memorial Roster so you can go and check that. At our regular reunions (next on is June 9th, 10th and 11th, 2020) we will honor him by reading his name at our wonderful Memorial Service. Family members are welcome to attend these and even read their loved ones name. If you wish more information go to the website page at for the details of the upcoming reunion. Thank you for the notification and please accept our sympathies. Bob Orleck
Check deck log 1971 Dec.Monday 20th at 09:40.That is me.
l was the Orleck from 71-73. In R-Div. with Beacham and Copeland.
I see R division page in my West Pac 72-73 cruise book. I see the two guys you mentioned but you must have missed photo day. So did I. I do see your two pics on the next page Dee. I was in WD division with Cofield and Weathers. You and me were good friends. You me Willie Green, Rabbit, Brown and Diamond. This is Russell Harris. We travelled to Oregon for a visit and I ended up staying in the Northwest to this day. I remember the Equator too. I hope you read this and reach out. I would be nice to hear from you.
Hello Norvelle, This is Bob Labbe’, and I was a GMG3 in WG Div. aboard the Orleck. Recall You were in Damage Control. Were You called D? Served with Horn, Douglas, Wilson and Diamond. We were all together on the 71-72 Wes Pac cruise. Remember crossing the Equator ? Some fun times, lasting memories. Hope Your doing well.
Bob Labbe’ 68 to 72.
My father, George T Belford, Jr., RMC served on the USS Orleck, DD 886 for a number of years. In fact, I believe she was his last ship as I believe he retired out off of the ship when it came to Tacoma, Washington, where I still reside. I would love to know what years he did serve on this ship and/or see any photos or any information anybody might have about my dad. He served a long time in the U.S. Navy and was a very proud service member. Dad passed away on October 28, 2004, followed by his wife of 50 years, my mother, Donna, who passed on December 7, 2005. I am trying to find out what ships dad served on during his career and find out what medals and awards he is entitled to, as all of his metals were lost during a move. I would appreciate any and all information anyone can provide or help me with. I miss my mom and dad dearly and would like to have something of his Naval career to pass down to future generations. Thank you in advance for any help I can get!
Hello shipmates,
I was on her 77-80. I was pleased to meet Mrs.Orleck when she came to visit. She was a sweet lady.
I was an Ftg. And ended as a BM2. In the LAST drydock I worked on a new program tied in to the Pentagon. As duty weapons officer, I took pictures under the Ship, as well as many others which I will find and forward to Mr.Williams, as they may assist during refurbishing.
Happy to find my home for over 3 1/2 years.
Hello David Dzien.
I was on her 78-81. I am FTG2 Ron Ingalls…Whats up!
Remember name but not face. Been long time. Hope you get this.
I was stationed on the orleck from 77 through 81 as bm2 I served as Duty weapons officer as well as
Boatswain mate of the watch during General quarters and also and in ic-plot.
I have lots of pictures and I will find the ones that I took as dirty weapons officer under the Ship during the 1980 dry dock.
I was pleased to meet your mother when she visited our ship.
Hello! Love the site, My dad was a “plankowner” Steven Pitiak in 45/46 thank you for the history and photos. I need to plan a visit to Louisiana! Thanks again
Paul Jackson if you get this message, Please contac me . Served 1968-1970 . remember melvin newborn,hearold hill. Dumas, Been living in Hayward ca last 40 + years.
Paul Jackson if you get this message, Please contac me . Served 1968-1970 .
Fred, I came upon your name while surfing the net and knew that the above statement would have special meaning for you. Different units, different areas of training but we all worked together to accomplish the same mission and objective. Vietnam has left us all with many memories of those with whom we served and those who didn’t make it back. I served with 3/22nd, 25th Infantry Division out of Tay Ninh as an infantryman. Fought the NVA on the slopes of Nui Ba Den twice with numerous firefights in and around the area bordering the Cambodian border. Remember your Christmas in Vietnam? Mine was spent on an ambush patrol near the Cambodian border. Awarded Purple Heart and three Bronze Stars with “V”. After 5 months in the field, I was pulled to the 93rd Evac at Long Binh to work with soldiers suffering from combat fatigue. Coming home was one of the most difficult parts of our tours. Over the last 10 years, I chronicled my tour of duty and the response has been overwhelming. There are presently over One Hundred 5 Star Reviews worldwide. It’s free to Amazon Prime members. Courage on the Mountain
Thousands of Vietnam Veterans have proudly endorsed these memoirs. Please check out the website at with the accompanying introduction. It will make you proud for your service and all the men and women who served our country during the Vietnam war.
I proud that you made it home brother! Thank you for your service and May God Bless!
George Reischling
Courage on the Mountain
I was stationed on the USS Rogers DD-876 in Portland OR.
DESRON 37. I remember the times we were up in Washington
with the rest of the squadron during training.
Iain Turriff BT2, 1/75 – 7/79.
Had the chance to speak with Bob Orleck last week. He was calling as a check of the Crewmembers List because it appeared I was reported deceased. After a lengthy chat to affirm that I truly was alive we talked about life on Orleck. This was my first ship and I served aboard from 1965-67 as an IC man. To make a long story short I reported to Bob that after 26 1/2 years of Naval service, and a number of ships, that Orleck was my fondest duty station. === In 2010, while traveling across the States on Rt.10 in our motorhome, my wife and I stopped to see Orleck, which was moored along the banks of the Lake Charles river (?). Since we had no plans to hurry along we decided to take a week to do volunteer work aboard the ship. What a fun time and it certainly brought back a lot of great memories of shipmates and ports visited. If any of you Shipmates have the chance, please make a visit and a donation…
Hi Rom, Nice to see you here, I do remember you as you were from western MA as I recall. I was from Worcester myself. I was an MM in main control at the time.
Bob, sorry it has taken so long to respond. I just happened to be looking back through the archives and saw your response to my Post. Nice to see some of us are still around.
I was from Littleton, Ma and after joining the Navy was pretty much a hobo of different Ports. I will be going to the re-union in Jacksonville (one of my home ports), if you are going look my up. Rom
One of the problems with this way to communicate something quickly. Go to the roster and get his contacts and call him. I was wondering if he was coming also.
Bob Orleck
I would like to get in contac with paul Jackson orleck crew member 1968- 1970
Sm3 served 67 to71, dont see my name. I am looking for James Franklin same time period.
David: I don’t understand why you don’t see your name on the roster. It is there and so is James Franklin. Check it again and if you can’t find it then let me know.
SM3 Lemon, my name is Tom Hansen STG3, I was on board the Orleck 69-70, and I was the guy who shot the 45 off at midnight watch, and you asked me if I was shooting seagulls, that morning !
Hi Tom: Am posting this but want to let you know that notifications don’t go out so SM3 Lemon might not see your message. Check out the roster to see if he is there. If not, let me know. We don’t have all the USS ORLECK sailors. Only the ones we found or found us. The Navy would not give us the contact information and all we had to search on was the roster names. If we don’t have SM3 Lemon on there, send me as much detail about him as you can and we will do a search as best we can to find him and I will put his name up on the roster.
Tom. David Lemon is on the roster and has an email and phone number. Go there to get it and contact him directly. Also, do me a favor and tell the story of you shooting the 45 while on watch.
Hi Tom: I have put another reply on the guestbook to you but not sure if it is in the threat you wrote. No matter. Take a look. Also wanted to point out the communication tool I posted on the front page of the website “Gathering at the Scuttlebutt, Let’s talk about things.) because few were using the guestbook. I think it might be best to use that and hopefully we can get folks seeing that easier than they see the menu with “guestbook” on it. If you do reply to anyone in a thread, make sure you click on the reply to that comment. Bob
I just came across my Father’s certificate for crossing the Equator 2/28/1958 — 3/1/1958! I have scanned it and would love to provide it to you. (I have sent separate emails.) I believe Dad as either a PO1 or 2, likely Quartermaster or Signalman during his time on the USS Orleck. I previously contacted you and you were gracious enough to allow me to post based on my childhood memories. How sweet it is to find verification that Dad was aboard! Anyway, thanks for all you do!
I don’t recall getting a copy of your father’s certificate. My computer crashed and I lost some information so if you want to email a copy to me at, I will post it either to our Facebook page or the website.
I remember Fuller SM1 in 1958. He was a good friend of my boss Carl A. Anderson ET1. I don’t recall Fuller’s first name but when we would pull into port he would be talking semaphore with his hands to the signalman on the ship we were mooring with. I have never found my old boss either. I am not sure if his name was spelled with e or o in Anderson.
Not sure if this is the correct place, but I am one of 3 sons of DESRON 37s Commander, 76 thru 79, Jack Allen. (John B).
One of his personal “highs”, of his career with the USN, was this assignment. He would be proud to see Orleck’s continued following, and Interest.
My father sadly passed May, 2015, followed by his Wife, Carolyn, a short 2 months later.
He, they, are dearly missed.
Wesley Allen
Hi Wesley:
I approved your post for the site. I am the nephew of the namesake, Lt. Joseph Orleck, of the USS ORLECK and I do the website and have done reunions for the men for 23 years. I tried to find your father’s name on our roster but he is not there. We had to search out each of her men and we only found 2200 of the over 4000 that served aboard her. If you know he served on USS ORLECK, I will add im to the Memorial Roster and we will mention his name at a Memorial Service at each reunion. Let me know and I will take the necessary action. I would like the years he served aboard USS ORLECK and what his rate/rank was when he left. If you don’t know that, let me know as well. I sounds as if he did and I am glad you found us.
Bob Orleck
Bob, my name is Thomas Hansen, and I served on board the Orleck 1969-70, & I can’t find my name on the roster.
Tom Hansen
Tom: I believe we have a misspell of your last name in the roster and it is listed as Hanson. Please go and check out Thomas Hanson and if that is correct, then let me know and I will change it. Please confirm all he information listed for you if that is you. Bob Orleck
I served in COMDESRON -37 as a PN1 in 1977. I was often the assigned driver for your father when he would visit the different DDs, in the squadron in Portland, Astoria, Tacoma, San Diego and Seattle. He was the epitome of professionalism. He was one of the role models i tried to emulate after i was commissioned when i was assigned to DD-886.
Last Month there was a reunion in Lake Charles, LA with the WG Div. from the 68 to 70 deployment.
Turned out to be a great gathering. Spent time on the ship and at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Lake Charles. For me it was great again to see Steve Davis, Dave Waterman, Bill Blush, Russ Freel, Dennis Cantwell, but very special to see Larry McConnell after 46 yrs. and Paul Jackson after 44 plus yrs.It is a time that will be treasured. Sure hope this will happen again. Thanks to Steve and Bill for a Great Time.
Bob Labbe
1968 to 1972
I served on the USS Orleck in 1957-58 we took part in Operation Hardtack Nuke proving grounds.
My farther served on the USS Orleck around the same time. I think he would have been a 3rd class James Gregory PNC at the time. (he passed 6 years ago). Would you Remember him?
I was a very good ship.I was one it mini time.from San Diego calf to Tacoma step dad was on it for about 10-15 years.thank you.Charles McCloud.
From 1972-1976 them we moved to great lakes. Illinois.
My father, who is deceased, said he was stationed aboard the USS Orleck during Viet Nam. How can I validate this?
Thank you in advance.
Please send his full name and any information you can about him and I will provide you with what information we have on him. You can email this to Bob Orleck
To Dennis A Burns Jr. Remember Your Dad, as I served on the Orleck from Nov. 1968 to June 1972.
He was a nice Guy. Sorry to hear he passed away.
Bob Labbe
USS Orleck 1968-1972
Thank you for the reply Bob. I was having a hard time trying to find him in any of the cruise books. Do you remember his rate/rank?
Believe Your Dad was a SN in WD Div. Hope that is a help.