Dec 312014

New Year’s Post on USS ORLECK DD 886
Sunday, 1 January 1967
Moored to the HENDERSON, portside to
Berth sixteen in Long Beach, a great deal to do.
MASON is starboard, her lines smart and tight,
SOPA COMMINPAC, we’re ready to fight.
Readiness Condition is number Five,
YOKE is set , hopefully to keep us alive.
Ships present include many ships bright and clean,
Yard district craft bustling, First Fleet looking mean.
All’s well must we say on a wonderful ship,
We’re ready to steam, deploy and fight with full kit
Oh, were we in WESTPAC we would do a good job,
A victory from Commies is what we would rob.
Our men are ready, we’ve got a good crew,
We are willing to fight until we are through.