Scuttlebutt October, 2005 Arlington Memorial Service

On March 12-15, 2015 men and women from the Destroyer USS ORLECK DD 886 Association joined with sailors from other ships, men, women and children from the area of her location in Lake Charles with the USS ORLECK NAVAL MUSEUM to hold the first Field Days since the ship was moved there in 2009. Eighty [Read more…]
Scuttlebutt Feb 2004 Post Field Day
Peter A. Huchthausen was a USS ORLECK sailor and author. He published an article in 2004 about USS ORLECK that David Slaughter pointed out on a Facebook post in US NAVY GEARING CLASS DESTROYERS Facebook page. If you do not belong to that closed group you should consider it. The site celebrates Gearing Class Destroyers [Read more…]
Louisiana State Concurrent Resolution
USS ORLECK DD 886 first message USS ORLECK DD 886 message 2 USS ORLECK DD 886 message 3 USS ORLECK DD 886 4th message News Release March 2015 Field Days

My hat story. Back in late fall of 2014 my wife and I were having dinner at a local restaurant when I noticed a couple being seated a few tables away. A few minutes later another couple came in and sat at the same table. At once I noticed a familiar hat,a blue navy ball [Read more…]