For those who may not know what a “plankowner” is, it is a member of the crew of a ship when that ship was placed in commission. While not an official Navy term it is carried proudly for the rest of their lives by those who were a part of the beginning of a new Navy [Read more…]

If it were possible would you like to have an email address that instead of being gmail.com or yahoo.com was ussorleck.com? Just like some folks have vanity plates on their car, you might be able to have a vanity email address. Let me know your thoughts. You can either post your interest here, on the [Read more…]

USS ORLECK sailor? Check out the Roster to see if you are on it or if information is correct about you. (You can correct your information yourself if you have a link to your personal page. If you do not have this link then send a request for your personal link to link@ussorleck.com. Any other [Read more…]

NORTHERN KENTUCKY REUNION FOR DESTROYER USS ORLECK DD 886 ASSOCIATION June 20-24, 2012 The 2012 reunion is history and we look forward to San Diego in 2014. Northern Kentucky treated us very well. The upscale Airport Holiday Inn exceeded all expectations and the staff at the hotel were the best. And we got [Read more…]
Northern Kentucky Reunion Photos June 24, 2012, day 4. The following post was put on the forum 5 days after the reunion event in N. KY. I thought I would share it out here since many do not visit the forum. By the way, the forum is full of great information and pictures and may [Read more…]