Get the latest news on USS ORLECK DD 886, from her move from Lake Charles to dry-dock in Port Arthur, Texas then onto her new career as Historic Museum Ship in Jacksonville, Florida.
A Tribute to Senator Bob Dole, friend of USS ORLECK DD 886, by Robert L. Orleck
I recently received the following news release from Ron Williams in Lake Charles, LA. USS ORLECK will be towed to dry-dock soon in preparation for a hopeful relocation in Jacksonville, FLorida, to there serve as their Museum Ship Read all about it! ORLECK Odessey News Release 9 March 2020
Sorry to report that due to circumstances beyond our control caused by Covid-19 and the resulting withdrawal of attendees, the reunion is canceled. To make hotel reservations at the Merry Manor Best Western Hotel, located at 700 Main Street, South Portland, ME 04106 call hotel directly at 1-207-774-6151 (mention USS ORLECK) If you have any [Read more…]

Sorry to report that due to circumstances beyond our control caused by Covid-19 and the resulting withdrawal of attendees, the reunion is canceled. DESTROYER USS ORLECK 2020 NEW ENGLAND REUNION June 9th, 10th & 11th, 2020 (Canceled) Post a comment on the SCUTTLEBUTT (click here) I want to talk about reunions and what lies in [Read more…]
Maine 2020 Registration form for mailing
Maine 2020 plan-of-the-day