Mar 021993

A letter was sent to the “Reunion President” from one of the survivors of the plane crash, Oather Morper of El Cajon, California. “…the ship’s came by ‘The Shack’, the little shop I operated at Fleet Landing, a day or two later and I expressed to him my gratitude for the rescue. You may be [Read more…]

Nov 021992

“The aircraft carrier, USS LEXINGTON (The Blue Ghost, The Lady Lex) is now permanently located at Corpus Christi, Texas as a museum. She was decommissioned last year. The USS ORLECK spent a great deal of time on plane guard duty for the LEXINGTON. We honor her for her service.”

Oct 211982

“At 1000 on 1 October 1982, ORLECK was decommissioned, transferred to the Turkish Navy and renamed TCG YUCETEPE D-345 in a ceremony held at her berth at Tacoma, Washington.”

Aug 151982

“ORLECK entered the stand-down period for decommissioning on 15 August. Beginning in early August, accelerated preparations were made for decommissioning and transfer of the ship to the Turkish Navy. The entire crew worked hard throughout this period, putting the ship in order.”