Jul 221982

July 22-August 2, 1982 has ORLECK getting upkeep in Tacoma, Washington.” August 3, 1982 has ORLECK off loaded ammunition at Indian Island. August 4, 1982 has ORLECK at Bremerton, Washinton for port screw replacement. August 6 1982 has ORLECK back at Tacoma, Washington.  

Jan 281980

From date above thru February 3, 1983 21-Jan-80 – 27-Jan-80  ORLECK  “participates in a Canadian Squadron Exercise in the Northern Pacific Operations Area.” 27-Jan-80 – 02-Mar-80 ORLECK returns to Tacoma. 03-Mar-80 – 10-Mar-80 ORLECK heads for San Diego for training and upkeep with a stop in San Francisco area along the way arriving in San [Read more…]

Dec 311970
Command History

1970 Command History report on USS ORLECK (DD886) from her Commanding Officer. Fleet Post Office San Francisco 96601                                                                                        DD 886/34:lu 5700 Ser/30 26 Mar 1971 From:                    Commanding Officer, USS ORLECK (DD886) To:                          Director of Naval History Subj:                      Command History (OPNAV Report 5750-1); submission of Ref:                        (a OPNAVINST 5750.12A Encl:                       (1) USS ORLECK OPNAV Report 5750-1 [Read more…]

Feb 171945

“Mrs. Joseph Orleck (Gertha)-letter to Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. “”Please accept my deep appreciation of the honor conferred upon my husband, the late Lieutenant Joseph Orleck in naming a destroyer in his name. As per instructions in your letter of January 26, 1945, I have advised the Supervisor of Construction at the Consolidated [Read more…]