Photos taken by Ben Loder at the Boothbay Harbor Reunion (June 8-10, 2016). Ben took a total of 540 photos and these had to be broken up into 5 gallaries. This is gallery #2. (click on a picture to enlarge then scroll through the rest of gallery)
Jul 152016
Jul 152016
Mar 212016
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Feb 182016
USS Orleck schedule Boothbay Harbor 2016-3
Feb 052016

What we have here are photos and a couple of other items that were the part of an album that a gentleman by the name of Yurii Broughton found in a thrift shop in Florida. He was concerned that so much of this person’s life was here and yet it was not in the hands [Read more…]
Jan 282016
USS ORLECK Enterprise car rental rate
Jan 272016
The reunion is now history and good history it is. I will leave this information here until a full report replaces it. Any who were there and have pictures to share please get them to Bob Orleck and they will be posted in the report with credit to you who took them. Also [Read more…]