Sep 292023

Your name, years aboard USS ORLECK & your rate/rank displayed on a plaque in your berthing area.

10-04-2023-update to the message below. Click Here

10-06-2023-A reminder. The Jacksonville Naval Museum would like to have your information for the name plate to go on the plaque in a berthing area by October 10th to ensure that it gets done and placed by Veterans Day.  Here is the link to the form and I suggest you do it by mail instead of on-line since some have had problems doing that. 

A rare and wonderful legacy preserving opportunity for USS ORLECK DD 886 sailors that will honor them and help preserve their beloved ship is now available. Those who choose to participate will have their name, years of service and their rate/rank engraved on a brass plate attached to a wooden plaque displayed in their berthing area as testimony that they are among those fortunate humans who were blessed with being chosen to serve aboard and who helped make USS ORLECK DD 886 the best and most decorated American warship since WWII.

Click here to get the details. For only $100 you can guarantee your name will be added so please act quickly.  Follow directions to the information needed and where to send your check for payment. If you do this soon, you just might see your name in your bunking area when you visit USS ORLECK during our annual Veterans Day pilgrimage there.

If you are a friend or relative of an ORLECK sailor, you can arrange this for them. What a great gift! Christmas is right around the corner and you could give them an early yuletide present.

Honor one of these heroic sailors who has passed. What a tribute and remembrance, more meaningful and lasting than the flowers displayed at the funeral but then are gone. (If you need any information needed for the brass plate, contact me and I will help provide it.

I have known many of you for a long time and know what your service aboard USS ORLECK meant to you.  In addition to the personal pride and satisfaction in having your name posted on her from now on, you will be participating in a worthwhile project to restore those very berthing areas where you spent many hours that will provide a place for youth to spend an overnight to experience in a small way, what you did back then in a big way.

Some might not be able to afford $100 but I also know that most can, and others can even afford more. Give generously and above the $100 if you can. If you want your name there but cannot afford it, let me know and I will arrange it and no one other than me will know.  Your ship has come a long way and has developed many needs in the last quarter century that must be met. She is worthy of being restored and preserved to her former beauty and if ever there was the time for you to give generously to your ship, it is now.

Fair Winds and Following Seas

Bob Orleck

  3 Responses to “Preserve your legacy for all to see aboard USS ORLECK DD 886”

  1. I was a ships crew electrician from 1972-’73, took the tour on June 8th, 2024.
    A lot of things are different but she’s still the same old girl I loved and hated way back then.

    Please notify me abut any reunions.
    Thnx, over.

  2. What crews quarters were B & M divisions. I am sure most of us here are not familiar with your system.

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