It was a great pleasure to have Jeff Cherrier and his friends come to be with us again at our reunion in Boothbay Harbor. Jeff and his wife Sally have been regular attendees at our Destroyer USS ORLECK DD 886 Association reunions. Jeff was among the first of our Vietnam sailors to actively attend and it was always good to have him close by when the sound system went out. We could not have functioned the evening of the luau in San Diego in 1995 but for “Foghorn” and his megaphone voice when the system did go down. Jeff, I know will agree, that the most pleasant and best of the two was Sally who always brought a pleasing and pretty presence to our reunion. She was not here in Boothbay Harbor because she had passed away. We will continue to remember her and support Jeff in his great loss. The featured photo was taken of Jeff and Sally at our 1999 Portland, Maine reunion.