Oct 082024

UPDATED on 11/07/2024


Veterans Day | PNG All

Thank you for what you did back then to keep our country safe and secure.

Lt. Joseph Orleck represents well, all of you who served.

Watch  and Watch as his sacrifice in WWII was commemorated at Arlington National Cemetery and at the Navy Memorial,

On November 11, 2023, at 1100 hrs., 35 sailors, family and friends reported aboard and had a fine time together.  A special service, prepared and delivered by Larry McConnell and a dinner at The Village Cafe celebrated the day.

Let’s do it again!  

See you aboard the USS ORLECK DD 886

at 11 AM, November 11, 2024!

(THIS IS NEW INFORMATION as of 11/07/2024)


(check back regularly – subject to minor changes)



(November 11th, 2024)

  • 9 AM-2 PM -The USS ORLECK DD 886 will open for tours. (There are some great new exhibits-9 Mt 52 short video, Pilot house short Video train buster, CIC short video ASW ops.)  At the luncheon, Captain Allen will share details with group on other ship updates.
  • 10:00 AM -Ceremony (chairs, podium and tents will be placed on the beautifully renovated pier facing USS ORLECK).
    • Welcoming remarks from Captain Allen who will give an update on work done on USS ORLECK.
    • Other opening remarks.
    • Each person will be asked to briefly introduce who they are.  USS ORLECK sailors and our TCG YUCETEPE sailor will want to be prepared to share 2-3 minutes about their time aboard their ship.
    • A special remembrance of those shipmates no longer with us-carnations will be provided, a time for remembrance, Taps played and opportunity to cast your remembrance carnation into the water.
    • A bell will be rung at 11 AM in recognition of special nature of Veterans Day.  Upon ringing of the bell, the ceremony will be complete and it will be time to move to the reviewing area to watch the Jacksonville Veterans Day Parade.
  • 10:45 AM -Street to USS ORLECK will be closed for parade so, if driving, you will need to be in the ample parking area at the pier.  Since our ceremony is at 10:00 AM, most will already be at the ship.  I was told the street will be close at 10:45 AM for the parade.
  • 11:00 AM-At the end of the ceremony, please move to the roped area (chairs will be provided) to view the Jacksonville Veterans Day Parade as it passes on the street where USS ORLECK docked.
  • 12:00 PM -Make your way back to the area next to USS ORLECK where we held the earlier ceremony for lunch.
  • 12:15 PM -Catered lunch provided at no cost to you! Will include BBQ pork slider chicken sliders, seasonal fruit veg tray, pasta salad, dips and crackers, tea lemonade. Important Note: I will need to know who is attending so there will be sufficient food provided. *
  • After eating-2:00 PM -Tour USS ORLECK (docents will be present to answer questions)
  • 3:35-4:30 PM River Taxi Tour (This is being provided at no cost to you).  Presently there is no docking area for the Taxi at the ship so boarding will be at the Hyatt Hotel boarding area. **  Be early so you don’t miss the boat.
  • Early evening-Dinner on your own.  Ben Loder has information on Kelly Harris restaurants you might want to consider.  He is a good friend of USS ORLECK.  Wherever you choose to eat, consider going as a group to prolong the time you have together.
  • Update on Evening Fireworks Event-I was advised by the Museum that no permit for fireworks was issued so there will be no fireworks.
  • Don’t forget to keep your appointments on being interviewed.  Any questions as for Jane Arnold to speak to.


  • There will be a welcome banner for our group.
  • During your time in Jacksonville, there is a desire to have USS ORLECK sailors video interviewed.  Accomplishing this will require planning in advance by contacting those responsible for the interviews.  Details will be sent by email so if you are coming to Jacksonville and did not get the email, contact Bob Orleck (see below for contact information) and ask him to send you the information. A number of the Orleck Veterans participated last year, and you will see their oral histories on the kiosk on the ship.
  • Thanks to the JAX Naval Museum staff for proving a welcoming banner, for providing the area, chairs, podium, and tents as well as the roped off parade reviewing area with chairs for our staff and other thoughtful things I may have failed to acknowledge.
  • * **Your Destroyer USS ORLECK DD 886 Association has some money in the treasury that will be used to provide the catered lunch and River Taxi Tour. That being the case, you will need to advise Bob Orleck either by phone (text or talk) at 802-565-0340 or by email to reunion@ussorleck.com of the number of people in your party who will be eating lunch and those enjoying the River Taxi Tour.  If you would like to leave a comment, click here.   Then go to the bottom of the page and submit your comment.
  • When contacting Bob Orleck, please let him know your arrival and departure information, where you will be staying, your name as you would like to see it on your name badge.  For USS ORLECK sailors, include your last rate/rank and the years you served aboard USS ORLECK.
  • Now don’t forget!  Share this link with shipmates you have in your address book.
  • Again, please click to comment at the bottom of the post that you open to and leave an encouraging and informative message about yourself.












  6 Responses to “Veterans Day 2024 Plan of the Day”

  1. Dear USS ORLECK Family, I’m a retired Capt. from Turkish Navy. The USS ORLECK (renamed TCG YUCETEPE) was my second assignment after I graduated from Naval Academy. I worked as an Engineering Officer and an Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer between 1987 and 1992. I know every inch of her and hold countless fond memories. It is an honor to be with you all on Veterans Day. I will be coming with my wife Didem and excited to see you all.

    • Thank you for posting, Captain. What is so incredible about the USS ORLECK’s long life, is the excellence by which her men functioned, and they made her what she was and is. That same sense of pride and accomplishment was seen in her 16 years in Turkey as TCG YUCETEPE. Over those years I developed fond friendships with many who served in her. It is an honor to have you with us this Veterans Day and I have enjoyed all the communications we have had. Safe travels.

  2. My name is Tony Noriega and I first boarded the Orleck in Long Beach in August 1966. I served aboard her until May of 1968, at which time I transferred to another destroyer on the West Coast. I was a Yeoman YN3 and the abilities I gained during my duty have served me throughout my later life. My hope is that on Veterans Day of 2024 I will have the opportunity to reunite with others that served aboard the Orleck.

    • Thanks for the nice post, Tony. I would like to see similar from the other attendees. The weather is going to be nice and its going to be a good time.

  3. Veteran (AD2) John Santiago
    Last command, Naval Air Station Norfolk Virginia. Honorable discharge 2/1989.
    I’m staying at St Augustine, and plan to attend USS Orleck with my wife Elizabeth on Veterans Day 11/11/2024.

  4. When you leave a reply, I will review it and get it posted up as soon as I can. Please encourage others to take action and make plans to come and take part in our second annual pilgrimage on Veterans Day. Thanks. Bob Orleck

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