War Diary
Commander Task Element 95:28
22 OCTOBER 1952
Commander E. L. Yates, USN, 90836/1100, Commanding Officer, USS ORLECK (DD886) relieved Commander Destroyer Division ONE TWELVE (112) at CTE 95.28 at 1530 this date. A turnover file was received and receipted for in accordance with current directives. CTE 95.28 is under the operational control of CTG 95.2, Commander East Coast Blockading and Escort Group. CTG 95.2 is under the operational control of Commander Task Force 95, Commander United Nations Blockading and Escort Force. TE 95.28 is currently operating under CTG 95.2 Operation Order 2-52 (Revised) dated 18 August 1952 and consists of ORLECK (DD 886) and ROKNAN YMS 514. ORLECK at bombline, ROKNAN YMS 514 departed to the south this afternoon without relief.
23 OCTOBER 1952
ORLECK patrolled vicinity NANDO. During daylight ORLECK conducted indirect fire mission at bombline in support of I ROK Corps. Six (6) rounds five (5) inch ammunition expended on machine gun installation and bunkers. SFCP evaluation 50% coverage. Late afternoon and evening conducted NANDO patrol. HELENA and destroyer OBRIEN at the bombline.
24 OCTOBER 1952
ORLECK conducted NANDO patrol till daylight. Dring daylight house ORLECK conducted indirect shore bombardment at the bombline in support of I ROK Corps. Thirty-eight (38) rounds five (5) inch ammunition expended. Six (6) direct hits on bunkers observed by SFCP.. ROKNAN YMS 518 arrived bombline 1200 and was assigned NANDO support and defense patrol. ORLECK conducted resupply and patrol of NANDO.
25 OCTOBER 1952
ORLECK on patrol at the bombline except when relieved by DDR FRANK KNOX for replenishment during morning hours. ROKNAN YMS 518 on NANDO support and defense patrol. ORLECK conducted indirect shore bombardment in support of I ROK Corps. Sixty-eight (68) rounds five (5) inch ammunition expended. SFCP observed (2) bunkers destroyed and three (3) damaged. CHIEF (am 325) AND impeccable (AM 320) in area during night.. LOS ANGELES and FRANK KNOX relieved HELENA and OBRIEN at bombline. ORLECK on NANDO patrol during the evening.
26 OCTOBER 1952
ORLECK reported to CTE 77.17 at 0001 Item and relieved FRANK KNOX as escort at 0630 Item. FRANK KNOX departed to TF 77. ORLECK replenished NANDO and returned to bombline in evening as ASW screen for LOS ANGELES. ROKNAN on NANDO support and defense patrol. ORLECK took trucks on beach under direct fire. Four (4) rounds five (5) inch ammunition expended.. Results not observed. ORLECK conducted indirect fire mission in support of I ROK Corps at bombline. Thirty-nine (39) rounds five (5) inch ammunition expended. SFCP observed two (2) bunkers destroyed, three (3) damaged. One (1) mortar and one (1) 76MM artillery piece neutralized. Shortly after dark ORLECK detected an enemy covert boat attempting landing behind our lines. ORLECK closed boat to navigation limits and launched ship’s armed boat in effort to capture enemy personnel and equipment. Enemy boat with ship’s boat in pursuit, returned to communist held territory to make escape. No casualties. Three (3) illunination shells expended. ORLECK continued to screen LOS ANGELES throughout the night at the bombline.
27 OCTOBER 1952
ORLECK at the bombline for fire support and escort in the morning, at NANDO for resupply and patrol in the early afternoon, returning to the bombline shortly before dark. ROKNAN YMS 518 on NANDO support and defense patrol. A helocopter from the LOS ANGELES, in attempting to transfer personnel to the ORLECK, crash landed on the ORLECK’s fantail resulting in slight damage to the helo and no personnel casualties. The helo was returned to the LOS ANGELES. ORLECK remained at bombline as screen and gunfire support ship.
28 OCTOBER 1952
ORLECK t bombline as gunfire support and screen ship during daylight hours. ROKNAN YMS 518 on NANDO support and defense patrol. ORLECK conducted indirect shore bombardment in support of I ROK Corps AT BOMBLINE. Eighteen (18) rounds of five (5) inch ammunition expended. No damage observed. After dark ORLECK on NANDO patrol.
29 OCTOBER 1952
ORLECK conducting NANDO patrol until daylight then at bombline for fire support, screening and re-0arming. ROKNAN YMS 518 conducting NANDO support and defense patrol. During daylight ORLECK conducted indirected fire mission in support of I ROK Corps. Twenty-two (22) rounds of five (5) inch ammunition expended. SFCP observed 70% coverage incuding destruction of one (1) supply house with damage to three (3) others and destruction of two (2) bunkers. While proceeding to rendezvous with ORLECK for transfer of fueld, ROKNAN YMS 518 was fired upon by shore batteries on Suwon Don. The shore battery was immediately taken under fire and silenced by the ORLECK. Eleven (11) rounds five (5) inch ammunition expended. ORLECK on NANDO patrol after dark.. LOS ANGELES at the bombline.